

Closing Reception 1/25/19 8-11PM.

10 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition
Presented by Joe Dreher AKA JOEKINGATL

In 2008 two friends decided to put on display almost 50 combined years of collected railroad art, graffiti art, train art, railroad paraphernalia and artifacts. For the 2008 event the two friends joined forces with Relics of the Rails and included a model train element and the first Steel Wheels show was born. 2018 marks our 10 year anniversary. In the 10 years since 2008, the lore of railroad graffiti and railroad inspired art has gained tremendous momentum. It is currently one of the most popular underground trends on social media and Steel Wheels has inspired several other art shows with a similar theme around the country.

With each passing moment, more people across the globe are drawn to the romance of the railroad. Like the railroad itself that crosses many borders, the attraction and affection for train and railroad culture crosses racial, gender and socio-economic backgrounds. We exist very simply to embrace the relationship between the railroad and art. By adding in a Hip Hop, fashion and community element, we further that cause; to bring people from all walks of life together, have a good time and enjoy great art. The Steel Wheels Show is a dynamic and daring approach to this strange relationship.

Steel Wheels 2018 will be held in Atlanta Ga. at Blue Mark Studios in the fall of 2018. We will sponsor smaller events at Blue Mark Studio to include, but not limited to: children’s art workshops, Youth Jazz concert, lectures and guest speakers. The Steel Wheels Show is a dynamic and daring approach to this strange relationship.


As the railroad art culture continues to gain traction, we require funding to host an exhibition of this magnitude. All funding received goes directly into the operational cost associated with planning and implementing the Steel Wheels exhibition. We encourage you to visit the Steel Wheels show archive for video trailers of our past shows Should you or your organization have any level of interest in sponsoring Steel Wheels 2018, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for the opportunity and we are looking forward to hearing from you.